
What’s different about Hales Douglass Financial Services?

Hales Douglass Financial Services is not owned by a large bank or financial institution.  Instead, we’ve set up our own financial services licence, which means we’re directly responsible to ASIC and to our clients only. The advice we provide to our clients is purely in their best interest, as we don’t take volume rebates or [...]

Get the best price for your business when selling or retiring.

A business valuation can help you get the best price for your business when it's time to sell or retire. If your indicative value is lower than you expected, then start work now to increase the value of your business. If you leave it too late, you may never be rewarded for the effort you [...]

How to check vital signs for your business

A healthy body demands routine checks and examinations. So does a healthy, thriving business. No matter what stage your business is in, to keep it going you must check its systems, pay attention to any ailments and prevent early death. For the newborn business, the goals and system checks are relatively simple. Merely staying alive [...]

By |2018-09-14T15:22:34+10:00October 25th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Business Advice, Featured|

Case study: improve business profitability

David, the sole practitioner of a legal firm, found that his revenue had stagnated and he was consistently facing cash flow problems. David was jolted into action by a frank conversation with his accountant. The accountant asked him how many hours he worked in his firm each year. The lawyer estimated approximately 2,000. The accountant [...]

By |2018-09-14T15:22:34+10:00March 2nd, 2016|Categories: Blog, Business Advice, Featured|Tags: , |

Avoid these 4 top SMSF mistakes

Ensure you avoid these 4 common breaches. (A breach occurs when a fund fails to comply with the Superannuation law). • Loans made to related parties • More than 5% in-house assets (related party investments, with some exceptions) • Assets not held in the correct name • Documents requested by auditors were not provided When [...]

By |2017-02-07T14:06:54+11:00August 9th, 2015|Categories: Featured, SMSF, SMSF Audit|
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